Our lead trainer

Guy Clapperton


Guy Clapperton is the proprietor of Clapperton Media Training. His aim in media is to help spokespeople get their messages into interviews effectively. Too often he sees journalists and other influencers take over as if they were the experts – he’s done it himself whilst contributing to the Guardian, Times, New Statesman and a lot of the trade press but most of the time journalists are publishing professionals, not tech experts or whatever your specialist field happens to be.

He’s been a journalist for over 30 years and a trainer for almost 20 and is eager to help you make your points heard and get them reported accurately.

He has been a professional speaker for 20 years and helps people with their presentations; his aim, whether working alone or with a team member or two, is to get to the person behind the words and give people the confidence to make their points clearly and deal with any question and answer issues efficiently. He has been the CIPR’s trainer for its “virtual presentation” courses since 2021. He became a fellow of the Professional Speaking Association in 2011 and has spoken in many countries across four continents.


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